I've been giving some thought as to why power lines strike my interest when I'm shooting, when it's almost always something natural that I find interesting. The best I can come up with is that it's much the same as a barn or a windmill - something that a person put there, but now it's there by itself and I can enjoy it in solitude *with* nature. The appeal of nature is not necessarily that it's not man-made, but that it's quiet and it interacts with the plants and the critters and the wind and the rain.
Heather will think this one is too dark, but I like it.
If you happen to love this one, you can go buy it for your wall over on Etsy.
I like the colours and the movement in this one. I find it serene. :)
Thank you, blurr :)
This is a great photograph. It is a little dark for my taste, but the feel is excellent!
Thanks Kelley :)
Jared knows me very well.
I like this one, a LOT! But then again, you know I like the darker ones. :)
When I told Heather she had been mentioned on my blog, she correctly predicted the content. :)
Thanks Pinky. I'm glad folks are enjoying this one.
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