Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sprague Lake

Sprague Lake was surprisingly not busy, despite the fact that the lake is just right there next to the parking lot - accessible by a flat trail. Everyone should go on this hike, no matter how hike-phobic they may be.
When I was there, it rained a little bit, and I got to see my third rainbow of the day. I wasn't able to get any photographs I loved out of that, but I dig the lake anyhow.


Anonymous said...

While you were there, it rained a lot at camp. But, I kept that fire going!

Anonymous said...

thats a beautiful place!!

fernfiddlehead said...

Sprague Lake is very pretty. A 3-rainbow day is special.

Krazy Kate Designs said...

A beautiful picture!

Unknown said...

Now I know where "Nessie" has been hiding out. What a gorgeous spot.

Beth Lisa Goss, Wire Tree said...

So beautiful! And, you've been tagged. Come visit my blog for the rules of the game.