Wednesday, February 4, 2009

As Seen On: the POE blog!

Ann from the Photographers of Etsy blog was kind enough to contact me and ask me a few questions recently, and you can see my latest ramblings, if you happen to be interested in that sort of thing.

I haven't picked up my camera in many weeks now, but spring is on the way, and I have lots and lots of ideas swirling around in my head. I'm excited about the images to come this year.

Happy February to all of you!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Now on Facebook

So, seeing as I've gotten myself hooked on Facebook through a silly game application, it seemed reasonable to set up a page for my photography. Thanks to Heather, that has happened.

We've decided to give away a 5x7 print each week to someone who has marked the page as a fan. If you have any interest in that, go take a look!